Jinio (by Xend) - Shop at US stores and have it delivered to your doorstep
Free US address and package forwarding service for as low as $6.74! Complete with tracking! No need to worry about lost package! A solution by Xend.
- Free US Address. Buy from amazon, etsy, ebay, etc. and have it delivered to your Jinio's US address. Jinio then forwards your package and have it delivered to your doorstep for as low as $6.74!
- Minify your package. Jinio will open your package to examine the contents, remove excess packaging materials and take a photo. You will receive an email notification usually within 2-5 hours upon receiving your package.
- Free consolidation service. And free storage for the first 30 day upon receiving your first package.
Website: https://jinio.com.ph/
Payments: Credit card & Paypal
Sign-up Requirements: 2 valid IDs and USPS form to fill-up along with your signature.
Your new package along with the contents. |
Paid only $6.74 for Door-to-Door delivery ;) |
I actually already received the package by December 7 or 8 |
Delivered by Xend |
Original packaging with Jinio's sticker. |
As of December 12, 2016, I've received 2 packages from Jinio, both arrived at exactly 2 weeks (14 days) upon payment. Right now, I still have multiple US packages arriving at Jinio. I'll probably try another forwarder next year to test them.