Grab Express For On Demand Delivery

Platform: Android and iOS
Fee: P80 (base fare, 1st 5km) + additional fee per kilometer
Size and Weight: 32 x 25 x 12 cm and less than 5Kgs
Coverage Area: Metro Manila Only
Max Insurance: P2000

It is premium delivery service that we are currently running to provide convenience to our customers. By booking on the app, you can send items such as documents, parcels, and gifts to your business partners or loved ones.

Package Inspection

There has been a recent memorandum about checking the contents of the parcels before being accepted by the riders, Grab Express is no exception. This is to make sure no illegal contents are being transported. You have to show the contents of the parcel to the rider for inspection.


Grab Express Parcel

I've been using Grab Express to have my box parcels delivered for two times now. Typically costs me around P200+ but I receive the package within an hour or two. If I use a regular courier, it'll cost the same or more and will take longer to deliver; 1-3 days in Metro Manila.

Grab Express has a maximum insurance of P2000, so make sure to not use them for anything expensive.

Anyone with a motorbike can be a Grab Express driver. Just go to their website and install their app.

Grab Express:

Regular Holiday & Surcharge

Dec 30  - Earlier I tried scheduling a pickup at lalamove but was surprised with additional P80 surcharge. So I decided to try Grab Express instead... but to my dismay, I was also greeted with additional ~ P59 surcharge; Originally around P198, now the fee is P257. I pass with that fee... now I'll check the newest Angkas Padala.

Grab Express Regular Holiday Surcharge